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Osoyoos Lake water quality buoys

The Osoyoos Lake Water Quality Buoys have been deployed for the 2024 season.

Surface Water Quality (~1m) - North Basin Buoy
(N 49.06699, W 119.50350)

Last Update: 2024-07-26 11:30 P
Observations Value
Turbidity 0.92 NTU
Specific Conductivity 267.19 uS/cm
Water Temperature 23.82 °C
pH 8.59
Dissolved Oxygen 105.7 %
Dissolved Oxygen 8.92 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen/Temperature Depth Profile
Depth (m) DO (mg/L) Water Temperature (°C)
5 9.01 22.49
10 0 16.18
12 6.21 13.04
15 0 12.17
18 6.71 9.02
20 6.84 8.68
25 0 0
30 NA NA
Surface Water Quality (~1m) - South Basin Buoy
(N 49.001352, W 119.44514)

Last Update: 2024-07-26 11:30 P
Observations Value
Turbidity 1.35 NTU
Specific Conductivity 294.86 uS/cm
Water Temperature 24.25 °C
pH 8.56
Dissolved Oxygen 102.22 %
Dissolved Oxygen 8.56 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen/Temperature Depth Profile
Depth (m) DO (mg/L) Water Temperature (°C)
5 0 0
10 0 0
12 0 0
15 0 0
18 0 0
20 0 0


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