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Nom du site Numéro du site Description de la site Latitude Longitude Indicateur actif Date de création Nom du project Numéro de station Nom de la station
Rivière Salmon près de Hyder (Alaska) AK08DC0001 En amont de la confluence avec le crique Texas, 3,5 km en aval de la frontière C.-B./Alaska. 55.9254 -130.0355 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring AK08DC0001 Salmon River near Hyder, Alaska
Fleuve Yukon à Eagle (Alaska) AK09ED0001 Fleuve Yukon à Eagle, Alaska. Accès par bateau/avion uniquement. Prélèvements effectués sur la rive gauche. 64.7889 -141.1967 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring AK09ED0001 Yukon River at Eagle, Alaska
Murray River near the mouth BC07FB0005 Site is located approximately 33 km upstream of the concluence with the Pine River, at WSC station 07FB002. Sampled from left bank. 55.5526 -121.2035 Y 2017-02-21 19:02:06 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC07FB0005 Murray River near the mouth
Rivière Peace en amont de la rivière Alces BC07FD0005 Au pont de l'Autoroute 97, à environ 45 km en amont de la frontière C.-B./Alberta. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. 56.1261 -120.0564 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC07FD0005 Peace River above Alces River
Rivière Stikine en amont de la rivière Choquette BC08CF0002 Station hydrométrique 08CF018 de la Colombie-Britannique 56.8292 -131.7639 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08CF0002 Stikine River above Choquette River
Rivière Iskut en aval de la rivière Johnson BC08CG0001 En aval de la rivière Johnson à environ 8 km de l'embouchure. Prélèvements effectués depuis la station hydrométrique 08CG001 de la Colombie-Britannique. 56.7378 -131.6755 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08CG0001 Iskut River below Johnson River
Station de blanc de laboratoire CSEP BC08CP0000 Station factice pour blanc de laboratoire 0.0000 0.0000 Y 1993-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08CP0000 PESC Lab Blank Station
Station d'audit de laboratoire CSEP BC08CP0002 Station factice pour échantillons d'audit de laboratoire CSEP (Crique Ryan) 0.0000 0.0000 Y 2004-04-27 16:06:37 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08CP0002 PESC Lab Audit Station
Rivière Bear à Stewart BC08DC0001 Au pont de l'Autoroute #37A 55.9542 -129.9731 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08DC0001 Bear River at Stewart
Rivière Unuk près de la frontière internationale BC08DD0001 65 km au Nord-Ouest de Stewart, en C.-B., 3 km en amont de la frontière internationale. Prélèvements effectués depuis le traversier à câble de RHC 56.3514 -130.6917 N 1991-04-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08DD0001 Unuk River near US Border
Bulkley River at Smithers BC08EE0009 Sampled from left bank, access from Riverside RV Park and Camping in Smithers, BC. 54.7892 -127.1552 Y 2011-03-02 09:45:19 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08EE0009 Bulkley River at Smithers
Rivière Skeena à Usk BC08EF0001 Au niveau de la traverse d'Usk, à environ 15 km au NE de Terrace, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués juste en amont du quai d'accostage sur la rive droite. 54.6346 -128.4090 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08EF0001 Skeena River at Usk
Dean River at Anahim Lake BC08FC0001 Sampled from upstream side of Christensen Road bridge in Anahim Lake, BC. 52.4673 -125.2910 Y 2007-05-30 18:14:40 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08FC0001 Dean River at Anahim Lake
Callaghan Creek at Highway 99 BC08GA0009 Sample collected from the upstream side of the Sear to Sky Trail footbridge at the South Cal-chek campsite on the Daisy Lake Forest Road 50.0598 -123.1018 N 2004-03-11 23:59:13 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08GA0009 Callaghan Creek at Highway 99
Rivière Cheakamus à Daisy Lake Forest Road BC08GA0010 Prélèvements effectués du côté amont du pont à 1km le long de Daisy Lake Forest Road 50.0589 -123.0968 Y 2004-03-12 00:02:41 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08GA0010 Cheakamus River above Daisy Lake Forest Road
Rivière Cheakamus sur Cheakamus Lake Road BC08GA0011 Prélèvements effectués en amont de la station d'épuration des eaux usées. 50.0815 -123.0370 N 2004-03-22 23:14:24 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08GA0011 Cheakamus River on Cheakamus Lake Road
Rivière Cowichan à 1 km en aval de la rivière Some BC08HA0018 1 km en aval de la station de surveillance du Ministère de la Protection des eaux, des terres et de l'air de la C.-B. ayant le permis PE1497. 48.7726 -123.6633 Y 1999-05-10 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HA0018 Cowichan River below Somenos Creek
Rivière Koksilah à l'Autoroute 1 BC08HA0026 Pont de l'Autoroute 1 près de Duncan, C.-B. 48.7567 -123.6742 N 1999-05-10 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HA0026 Koksilah River at Highway 1
Rivière Tsolum en amont de la rivière Murex Creek BC08HB0018 L'accès à la rivière se fait par l'Autoroute forestière de Mt. Washington. Courtenay, C.-B. Station hydrométrique RHC. Prélèvements effectués depuis la rive droite. 49.8087 -125.1948 Y 1999-05-10 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HB0018 Tsolum River below Murex Creek
Englishman River at Parksville BC08HB0019 Sampled from downstream side of Highway 19 bridge in Parksville, BC. 49.3162 -124.2853 Y 2004-11-19 01:10:18 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HB0019 Englishman River at Parksville
Sandhill Creek at Highway 4 BC08HB0020 5.8 km north of Tofino/Ucluelet Junction on Hwy 4. Sampled just upstream of bridge culvert. Trail access on east side of road at about the middle of the concrete barrier. 49.0265 -125.6474 N 2006-07-14 17:21:13 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HB0020 Sandhill Creek at Highway 4
Tsolum River near Courtney BC08HB0027 Site located approx. 550m downstream of WSC Station 08HB011 and 1km downstream of Piercy Rd Bridge. Access site from Curling Rink parking lot and then Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds. Take public trail to site. 49.7035 -125.0048 Y 2022-04-13 16:48:51 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HB0027 Tsolum River near Courtney
Rivière Quinsam près de l'embouchure BC08HD0004 Au pont de l'Autoroute 20 juste à l'Ouest de la rivière Campbell. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. 50.0372 -125.2943 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08HD0004 Quinsam River at the mouth
Rivière Fraser à Hansard BC08KA0001 Au pont traversant la ligne de chemin de fer CN à Hansard, 100 km au Nord de Prince George, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en aval du pont. 54.0771 -121.8484 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KA0001 Fraser River at Hansard
Rivière Fraser à Red Pass BC08KA0007 Au pont de la ligne de chemin de fer CN à Red Pass, juste en aval de la sortie du lac Moose, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en aval du pont. 52.9899 -119.0140 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KA0007 Fraser River at Red Pass
Fraser River at Hargreaves Bridge BC08KA0071 Winter site. Sample collected from shore approximately 300m downstream of bridge. Access from Robson Meadows Campground. 53.0296 -119.2320 N 2009-12-04 18:10:21 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KA0071 Fraser River at Hargreaves Bridge
Rivière Nechako à Prince George BC08KE0010 Au pont traversant la 1ère Avenue dans Prince George, C.-B. 53.9272 -122.7667 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KE0010 Nechako River at Prince George
Horsefly River above Quesnel Lake BC08KH0012 2020-present: Site is approx. 30m u/s of confluence with Rat Creek at the boat launch. Site is located approx. 9km up Horsefly Quesnel Lake Road starting from Clarkes General Store in the town of Horsefly. Marking on pole near site is 86. 2006-2020: Site is located at district lot 8272, downstream of the Town of Horsefly. Site is accessed 15.3 km down Horsefly Quesnel Lake Road. Turn right at sign that reads 'Private Property' and '166' on telephone pole. Take driveway to river; site is located to the right of picnic table (lat: 52.44794 long:-121.41866) 52.4023 -121.4328 Y 2006-04-25 17:06:38 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KH0012 Horsefly River above Quesnel Lake
Quesnel River at Gravelle Ferry Bridge BC08KH0013 Approximately 20 km SE of Quesnel, BC along Quesnel Hydraulic Road. East on Nyland Lake Road, sampled from upstream side of bridge. 52.8425 -122.2248 Y 2014-05-06 16:13:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KH0013 Quesnel River at Gravelle Ferry Bridge
Quesnel River at Likely Road Bridge BC08KH0014 Sampled from upstream side of the Likely Road bridge at Likely BC. 52.6155 -121.5727 Y 2014-10-30 13:43:20 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08KH0014 Quesnel River at Likely Road Bridge
Shuswap River above Mara Lake BC08LC0005 Federal/Provincial monitoring station on Shuswap River, 6.5 km upstream of Mara Lake. Sampled on upstream side of Rosemond Lake Rd bridge in the community of Mara. 50.6848 -119.0700 Y 2011-02-17 14:52:34 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08LC0005 Shuswap River above Mara Lake
Rivière Salmon au pont de l'Autoroute 1 BC08LE0004 Au vieux pont de l'Autoroute 1 près de Salmon Arm. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. 50.6926 -119.3304 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08LE0004 Salmon River at Highway 1 Bridge, near Salmon Arm
Rivière Thompson au pont Spences BC08LF0001 Au pont de l'Autoroute 8, juste à l'Est du pont Spences Bridge, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en aval du pont. 50.4208 -121.3414 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08LF0001 Thompson River at Spences Bridge
Thompson River at Spences Bridge - North Bank BC08LF0078 Access to river at Colvin Road across train tracks. Samples collected from shore on right bank. 50.4203 -121.3487 Y 2017-11-02 12:00:35 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08LF0078 Thompson River at Spences Bridge - North Bank
Rivière Nicola près de l'embouchure à la rivière Thompson BC08LG0001 Près du site d'échantillonnage de l'embouchure au premier pont sur la rivière Nicola près de sa confluence avec la rivière Thompson 50.4248 -121.3160 Y 1992-04-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08LG0001 Nicola River at the mouth
Chilcotin River at Christie Road Bridge BC08MB0007 Sampled from upstream side of Christie Road bridge, approximately 1.5 km south of Alexis Creek. 52.0720 -123.2614 Y 2004-11-19 01:10:18 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MB0007 Chilcotin River at Christie Road Bridge
Rivière Fraser à Marguerite BC08MC0001 À la station du bac de Marguerite, Colombie-Britannique. Station hydrométrique RHC 08MC018. 52.5294 -122.4464 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MC0001 Fraser River at Marguerite
Rivière Fraser à Hope BC08MF0001 Pont de l'Autoroute #1, au Nord de Hope. Station de surveillance environnementale globale. Station hydrométrique RHC 08MF005 49.3863 -121.4524 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MF0001 Fraser River at Hope
Callaghan Creek at Callaghan Lake BC08MG0009 North on Callaghan Forest Service Road for 16km. Sample collected from shore at campground in Callghan Lake Provincial Park. 50.1918 -123.1844 N 2004-06-24 20:44:58 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MG0009 Callaghan Creek at Callaghan Lake
Rivière Sumas à la frontière internationale BC08MH0027 Prenez la sortie Sumas Way et tournez au Sud sur Sumas Way, puis à l'Est sur la 2ième (juste avant le passage frontalier de Sumas). Suivez la 2ième qui tourne dans Boundary, jusqu'au premier pont. Station hydrométrique RHC 08MH029 49.0024 -122.2323 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MH0027 Sumas River at International Boundary
North Alouette River at 132nd Ave Bridge, near Maple Ridge BC08MH0269 Sampled from left bank upstream of 132nd Avenue Bridge, north of Maple Ridge, BC. 49.2419 -122.5957 Y 2004-03-12 00:04:02 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MH0269 North Alouette River at 132nd Ave Bridge, near Maple Ridge
Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - 3 BC08MH0368 Site is 424 metres from left bank or 344 metres from right bank 49.1469 -123.0354 N 2004-12-14 00:41:17 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MH0368 Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - 3
Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - 5 BC08MH0370 Site is 138 metres from left bank or 630 metres from right bank 49.1451 -123.0325 N 2004-12-14 00:41:17 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MH0370 Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - 5
Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - Buoy BC08MH0453 Near right bank approx 12km upstream from mouth. Site accessed by boat, buoy located near right bank across from Seaspan Terminal. 49.1486 -123.0386 Y 2008-03-04 18:37:50 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08MH0453 Fraser River (Main Arm) at Gravesend Reach - Buoy
Rivière Kicking Horse en amont de Field BC08NA0033 Au pont de l'Autoroute #1 dans le parc national Yoho près de Field, C.-B. 51.3977 -116.4908 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NA0033 Kicking Horse River at Field in Yoho National Park
Fleuve Columbia à Nicholson BC08NA0048 Sortie du pont routier Nicholson de l'Autoroute 95, à 10 km au Sud de Golden, C.-B. Prélever les échantillons en amont du pont. 51.2438 -116.9120 Y 2003-05-30 20:50:19 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NA0048 Columbia River at Nicholson
Fleuve Columbia à Donald BC08NB0001 Pont de l'Autoroute #1, Colombie-Britannique. Station hydrométrique RHC 08NB005 51.4842 -117.1800 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NB0001 Columbia River at Donald
Rivière Beaver près de East Park Gate BC08NB0002 Au pont de l'Autoroute #1 près de la barrière Est du parc national des Glaciers. 51.3834 -117.4491 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NB0002 Beaver River above Highway 1 in Glacier National Park
Rivière Columbia à Revelstoke BC08ND0002 Pont de l'Autoroute #1, Colombie-Britannique Station hydrométrique RHC 08ND002 51.0056 -118.2183 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08ND0002 Columbia River at Revelstoke
Rivière Illecillewaet à l'entrée du parc BC08ND0003 Au pont de l'Autoroute #1 près de l'entrée du parc national des Glaciers. 51.2133 -117.6958 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08ND0003 Illecillewaet River above Highway 1 in Glacier National Park
Woolsey Creek above Highway 1 in Mount Revelstoke National Park BC08ND0004 Located approximately 100m upstream of the Woolsey Creek Hwy 1 bridge crossing in Mount Revelstoke National Park. 51.1174 -117.8928 Y 2020-09-11 13:25:11 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08ND0004 Woolsey Creek above Highway 1 in Mount Revelstoke National Park
Fleuve Columbia à Waneta BC08NE0001 À la station de surveillance environnementale de Cominco juste en amont du passage frontalier de Waneta. Prélèvements effectués depuis la rive gauche. 49.0284 -117.6041 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NE0001 Columbia River at Waneta
Fleuve Columbia à Birchbank BC08NE0005 10km en amont de Trail. Station hydrométrique RHC 08NE049. 49.1779 -117.7171 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NE0005 Columbia River at Birchbank
Crique Big Sheep à l'Autoroute Old Cascade BC08NE0010 Crique Big Sheep au niveau de l'Autoroute Old Cascade Station hydrométrique RHC 08NE039. 49.0153 -117.9442 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NE0010 Big Sheep Creek at Old Cascade Highway
Rivière Pend D'Oreille à la frontière internationale BC08NE0020 Ouest du passage frontalier de Nelway. Prélèvements effectués depuis la rive gauche. 49.0231 -117.3692 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NE0020 Pend D'Oreille River at International Boundary
Rivière Pend D'Oreille à Waneta BC08NE0029 Barrage hydro-électrique de Waneta. Prélèvements effectués depuis la structure du barrage sur le côté gauche de la rivière. 49.0046 -117.6121 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NE0029 Pend D'Oreille River at Waneta
Rivière Kootenay à Kootenay Crossing BC08NF0001 Au pont de l'Autoroute 93 dans le parc national Kootenay, C.-B. Station hydrométrique RHC 08NF001. 50.8870 -116.0459 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NF0001 Kootenay River above Highway 93 in Kootenay National Park
Rivière Kootenay à Canal Flats BC08NF0006 Pont de l'Autoroute 95 au Sud de Canal Flats, C.-B., borne milliaire fluviale 382,0. 50.1475 -115.7994 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NF0006 Kootenay River at Canal Flats
Vermillion River at Simpson Trailhead BC08NF0025 50.9785 -115.9481 N 2004-07-21 23:07:03 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NF0025 Vermillion River at Simpson Trailhead
Rivière Kootenay près de Fenwick Station BC08NG0009 6 km en aval de Fort Steele, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis la rive droite. 49.5279 -115.5492 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NG0009 Kootenay River near Fenwick Station
Rivière St. Mary à Wycliffe BC08NG0011 Situé à 100 m en aval du pont de l'Autoroute 95A à Wycliffe, borne milliaire fluviale 14,4. 49.5992 -115.8678 N 1999-05-04 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NG0011 St. Mary River at Wycliffe
Kootenay River above Bull River BC08NG0013 Site access off Fenwick Road, 2.3km from junction with Wardner Ft Steele Road. Site located above confluence with Bull River and Kootenay Trout Hatchery. 49.4739 -115.4864 Y 2019-08-23 16:43:20 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NG0013 Kootenay River above Bull River
Rivière Kootenay à Creston BC08NH0005 Au pont routier 3 à 5 km Ouest-Nord-Ouest de Creston, C.-B. 49.1169 -116.5794 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NH0005 Kootenay River above Highway 3, near Creston
Rivière Moyie à Kingsgate BC08NH0010 Pont de l'Autoroute 95 à 0,5 km au Nord de la frontière des É.-U., Kingsgate, Colombie-Britannique. 49.0044 -116.1794 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NH0010 Moyie River at Kingsgate
Rivière Elk à l'Autoroute 93 près d'Elko BC08NK0003 Au pont de l'Autoroute 93 au Sud de Elko, Colombie-Britannique 49.1797 -115.1670 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NK0003 Elk River above Highway 93
Rivière Elk en aval de Sparwood BC08NK0004 Fin de l'Autoroute vers le site de l'usine Garrett Ready Mix. Site situé à 200 m en amont du pont. Site EMS: 0200102 49.6643 -114.9041 Y 2002-10-21 19:46:43 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NK0004 Elk River below Sparwood
Rivière Similkameen à Princeton BC08NL0001 Pont de l'Autoroute 3 à Princeton, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en aval du pont. 49.4591 -120.5039 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NL0001 Similkameen River at Princeton
Rivière Similkameen près de la frontière internationale BC08NL0005 Sortie de l'Autoroute 3A au niveau du pont de Chopaka Road, 9 km au nord de la frontière américaine. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. 49.0788 -119.7098 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NL0005 Similkameen River near International Boundary
Rivière Similkameen en amont de 20 mile Creek BC08NL0008 Rivière Similkameen en amont de Hedley, C.-B., 2 km en amont de 20 mile Creek. 49.3494 -120.0867 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NL0008 Similkameen River above 20 mile Creek
Rivière Okanagan à Oliver BC08NM0001 Pont de routier n° 18 juste au Sud d'Oliver, C.-B. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. 49.1145 -119.5662 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NM0001 Okanagan River at Road 18 Bridge, near Oliver
Mission Creek at Lakeshore Road Bridge BC08NM0160 Sampled at bridge on Lakeshore Rd in East Kelowna 49.8429 -119.4877 Y 2020-07-02 11:42:17 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NM0160 Mission Creek at Lakeshore Road Bridge
Crique Boundary à Midway BC08NN0010 Pont de l'Autoroute 0,25 km au Nord de la frontière américaine. Station hydrométrique RHC 08NN001. 49.0017 -118.7606 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NN0010 Boundary Creek at Midway
Rivière Kettle à Midway BC08NN0011 Pont de l'Autoroute à 0,5 km au nord de la frontière américaine. Prélèvements effectués depuis le côté en amont du pont. Station hydrométrique RHC 08NN013. 49.0047 -118.7762 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NN0011 Kettle River at Midway
Rivière Kettle au pont Carson Road BC08NN0021 5 km au Sud-Ouest de Grand Forks près du passage de la frontière américaine à Carson. 49.0197 -118.4747 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NN0021 Kettle River at Grand Forks
Rivière Kettle à Gilpin BC08NN0022 À la passerelle de Gilpin à 11 km à l'Est-Sud-Est de Grand Forks 49.0081 -118.3031 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NN0022 Kettle River at Gilpin
Crique Myers à la frontière internationale BC08NN0030 4 milles au Sud de Rock Creek, 75 pieds au nord de la frontière américaine. 49.0007 -119.0187 N 1999-01-27 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NN0030 Myers Creek at International Boundary
Rivière Flathead à la frontière américaine BC08NP0003 0,2 milles au nord de la frontière É.-U./Canada. Station de relevés hydrologiques 08NP001 49.0011 -114.4756 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08NP0003 Flathead River at International Boundary
Rivière Skagit 2 km au Nord de la frontière internationale BC08PA0001 Rivière Skagit 2 km au Nord de la frontière américaine dans le Parc Manning, C.-B. 49.0206 -121.0606 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC08PA0001 Skagit River 2 km North of International Boundary
Crique Partridge au mile 734 de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska BC09AE0007 Crique Partridge au mille 734 de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska 59.9717 -131.2442 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC09AE0007 Partridge Creek at mile 734 Alaska Highway
Rivière Swift à la rivière Smart BC09AE0009 Au niveau de la jauge RHC en aval de la confluence avec la rivière Smart. Station #17. Colombie-Britannique. 59.9317 -131.7619 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC09AE0009 Swift River at Smart River
Rivière Coal près de l'embouchure BC10BC0002 Rivière Coal près de l'embouchure 59.6914 -126.9500 N 1993-02-25 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study BC10BC0002 Coal River near mouth
Rivière Liard à Lower Crossing BC10BE0005 Rivière Liard à la station hydrométrique RHC de Lower Crossing. 59.4136 -126.0942 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC10BE0005 Liard River at Lower Crossing
Rivière Smith en aval du pont de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska BC10BE0006 Environ 100 m en aval du pont de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska 59.5531 -126.4792 N 1993-02-25 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study BC10BE0006 Smith River downstream Alaska Hwy Bridge
Muskwa River upstream of Hwy 97 bridge BC10CD0029 ~3km south of Fort Nelson on Hwy 97. Access via Wild Beach boat launch. Sampled from river right ~300m upstream of bridge. Winter site sampled from bridge walkway on downstream side of bridge. 58.7862 -122.6622 Y 2023-09-11 12:02:57 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC10CD0029 Muskwa River upstream of Hwy 97 bridge
Petitot River below Highway 77 BC10DA0002 Site located approximately 500m below Highway 77 bridge crossing, near the NWT Border. Sampled by WSC from left bank or gravel bar. 59.9838 -122.9273 Y 2012-03-05 10:11:38 Long Term Trend Monitoring BC10DA0002 Petitot River below Highway 77
Rivière Liard à Fort Liard NW10ED0001 Territoires du Nord-Ouest 64.2431 -123.4792 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring NW10ED0001 Liard River at Fort Liard
Rivière Dezadeash à Haines Junction YT08AA0010 Rivière Dezadeash au pont de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska dans Haines Junction 60.7479 -137.5064 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT08AA0010 Dezadeash River at Haines Junction
Crique Quill au Sud de Haines Junction YT08AA0011 Tributaire de la rivière Kathleen. En amont du ponceau de l'Autoroute Haines 60.6736 -137.3625 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT08AA0011 Quill Creek south of Haines Junction
Crique Pine à Haines Junction YT08AA0012 Tributaire de la rivière Dezadeash. Se déverse à 6 km en aval de Haines Junction 60.7667 -137.5667 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT08AA0012 Pine Creek at Haines Junction
Aishihik River below Aishihik Lake YT08AA0013 1 km downstream of Aishihik Lake Dam 61.1844 -136.9900 N 1995-03-06 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT08AA0013 Aishihik River below Aishihik Lake
Crique Climbing YT08AB0001 Territoire du Yukon 60.1028 -137.5581 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT08AB0001 Climbing Creek
Rivière Alsek en amont de la rivière Bates YT08AB0009 180 km Ouest-Sud-Ouest de Whitehorse, 75 km au Sud-Sud-Ouest de Haines Junction, 2,9 km en amont de la rivière Bates. 60.1175 -137.9776 Y 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT08AB0009 Alsek River above Bates River in Kluane National Park
Rivière Alsek près de la crique Marble YT08AB0010 Territoire du Yukon 60.4881 -137.8033 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT08AB0010 Alsek River near Marble Creek
Takhanne River at Km167 Haines Hwy YT08AC0003 125km SW of Whitehorse 79km SSE of Haines Junction 1km upstream of Million Dollar Falls, at km167 of Haines Highway. Water Survey 08AC001 60.1139 -136.9269 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT08AC0003 Takhanne River at Km167 Haines Hwy
Tatshenshini River near Dalton Post YT08AC0004 74km SSE of Haines Junction, 2.6km W of Dalton Post,access road of 10.5km starts at km 172.4 of Haines Hwy. 51km east of 08AB001 Alsek R. above Bates Creek. Water Survey 08AC002 60.1183 -137.0875 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT08AC0004 Tatshenshini River near Dalton Post
Rivière Klukshu près de l'embouchure YT08AC0005 Tributaire de la rivière Tatshenshini 60.1167 -137.0333 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT08AC0005 Klukshu River near the mouth
Rivière Wheaton près de Carcross YT09AA0001 À la jauge RHC à environ 3 milles en amont de l'embouchure, Relevés hydrologiques du Territoire du Yukon 09AA012 60.1342 -134.8956 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09AA0001 Wheaton River near Carcross
Rivière Wheaton à Annie Lake Road YT09AA0011 Rivière Wheaton au pont en aval de la crique Dail, Territoire du Yukon 60.2783 -135.0322 N 1989-08-17 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AA0011 Wheaton River at Annie Lake Road
Rivière Watson à Annie Lake Road YT09AA0012 Tributaire du fleuve Upper Yukon. Se déverse dans le lac Bennett à Carcross 60.4167 -134.8833 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AA0012 Watson River at Annie Lake Road
Fleuve Yukon au barrage NCPC du lac Marsh YT09AB0006 Borne milliaire 898 de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska. Territoire du Yukon. 60.5787 -134.6867 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09AB0006 Yukon River below Marsh Lake
Fleuve Yukon en amont de la rivière Takhini YT09AB0008 700m en amont de la confluence. Territoire du Yukon. 60.8391 -135.1810 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09AB0008 Yukon River above Takhini River
Fleuve Yukon River à l'exutoire du lac Laberge YT09AB0011 Entrée à la rivière Thirty Mile. Près du village abandonné de Lower Laberge. Territoire du Yukon. N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AB0011 Yukon River at Lake Laberge outlet
Lac Ice à Whitehorse YT09AB0013 Alimentation en eau pour terrain de caravaning, Territoire du Yukon 60.6919 -135.0867 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0013 Ice Lake at Whitehorse
Crique Wolf à l'Autoroute de l'Alaska près de Whitehorse YT09AB0014 En amont du ponceau de l'Autoroute en face du terrain de camping 60.6064 -134.9461 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AB0014 Wolf Creek at Alaska Highway near Whitehorse
Crique Wolf à l'Autoroute de l'Alaska près de Whitehorse YT09AB0014 En amont du ponceau de l'Autoroute en face du terrain de camping 60.6064 -134.9461 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0014 Wolf Creek at Alaska Highway near Whitehorse
McClintock River near Whitehorse YT09AB0015 35km ESE of Whitehorse, 6.4km North of Alaska Hwy. Winter WSC section. Water Survey 09AB008 60.5900 -134.4625 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AB0015 McClintock River near Whitehorse
Fleuve Yukon en amont de la crique Frank YT09AB0016 77 km au Nord-Nord-Ouest de Whitehorse, 6,4 km en aval de l'exutoire du lac Laberge, 14,8 km en amont de la crique Frank. 61.4344 -135.1883 N 1992-10-29 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0016 Yukon River above Frank Creek
Crique Fox (crique Richthofen) à l'Autoroute Klondike YT09AB0018 Tributaire du fleuve Upper Yukon. Se déverse du côté Ouest du lac Laberge 61.1042 -135.2917 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0018 Fox Creek (Richthofen Creek) at Klondike Hwy
Crique Deep à l'Autoroute Klondike YT09AB0019 Tributaire du fleuve Upper Yukon. Se déverse du côté Ouest du lac Laberge 61.0667 -135.2167 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0019 Deep Creek at Klondike Hwy
Crique Horse à l'Autoroute Klondike YT09AB0020 Tributaire du fleuve Upper Yukon. Se déverse du côté Ouest du lac Laberge 60.9792 -135.1750 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AB0020 Horse Creek at Klondike Hwy
Rivière Takhini à l'Autoroute de l'Alaska YT09AC0001 Jauge RHC au pont sur l'Autoroute de l'Alaska à environ 25 milles au Nord-Ouest de Whitehorse, Territoire du Yukon 09AC01 60.8517 -135.7392 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AC0001 Takhini River at Alaska Hwy
Rivière Takhini à Old Dawson Road YT09AC0004 27 km au Nord-Ouest de Whitehorse. Territoire du Yukon. 60.8631 -135.4683 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AC0004 Takhini River at Old Dawson Road
Rivière Ibex à la station hydrologique YT09AC0005 22 km à l'Ouest de Whitehorse, 2 km en aval de la confluence avec le crique Jackson. Relevés hydrologiques 09AC007 60.7267 -135.4850 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AC0005 Ibex River at Water Survey Station
Rivière Ibex à la station hydrologique YT09AC0005 22 km à l'Ouest de Whitehorse, 2 km en aval de la confluence avec le crique Jackson. Relevés hydrologiques 09AC007 60.7267 -135.4850 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AC0005 Ibex River at Water Survey Station
Rivière Takhini à l'Autoroute Klondike YT09AC0009 Au pont routier sur l'Autoroute Klondike en amont de la fleuve Yukon. Territoire du Yukon 60.8417 -135.1842 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AC0009 Takhini River at Klondike Highway
Rivière Takhini à l'Autoroute Klondike YT09AC0009 Au pont routier sur l'Autoroute Klondike en amont de la fleuve Yukon. Territoire du Yukon 60.8417 -135.1842 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AC0009 Takhini River at Klondike Highway
Crique Sidney à km 46 de South Canol Road YT09AD0001 112 km à l'Est de Whitehorse, en aval du ponceau à km 46 de Canol Road, station RHC d'hiver. Relevés hydrologiques 09AD002 60.7881 -133.0647 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09AD0001 Sidney Creek at km 46 South Canol Road
Crique Sidney à km 46 de South Canol Road YT09AD0001 112 km à l'Est de Whitehorse, en aval du ponceau à km 46 de Canol Road, station RHC d'hiver. Relevés hydrologiques 09AD002 60.7881 -133.0647 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AD0001 Sidney Creek at km 46 South Canol Road
Nisutlin River above Wolf River YT09AD0002 146km ESE of Whitehorse, 19km NNE of Teslin 24km from Bridge at Teslin, 9km above Wolf River by water 12.8km above the mouth. Water Survey 09AD004 60.3431 -132.5447 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AD0002 Nisutlin River above Wolf River
Red River above Trout River YT09AD0003 Yukon Territory 60.8783 -132.0989 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AD0003 Red River above Trout River
Rivière Teslin à Johnsons Crossing YT09AE0001 Pont de l'Autoroute de l'Alaska au niveau de Johnsons Crossing, Relevés hydrologiques du Territoire du Yukon 09AE001 60.4853 -133.3006 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09AE0001 Teslin River at Johnsons Crossing
Morely River at Km 1251 Alaska Hwy YT09AE0011 Morely River at WSC Station 60.0069 -132.1444 N 1995-02-21 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AE0011 Morely River at Km 1251 Alaska Hwy
Rivière Teslin en amont du fleuve Yukon YT09AF0001 En amont de la confluence avec le fleuve Yukon. Territoire du Yukon. 61.5656 -134.8906 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AF0001 Teslin River above Yukon River
Big Salmon River near Carmacks YT09AG0001 80km ESE of Carmacks 7km upstream of mouth. Water Survey 09AG001 61.8728 -134.8333 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AG0001 Big Salmon River near Carmacks
South Big Salmon River below Livingston Creek YT09AG0003 80.5km NE of Whitehorse 0.6km below mouth of Livingston Creek Water Survey 09AG003 61.3861 -134.3708 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AG0003 South Big Salmon River below Livingston Creek
Fleuve Yukon à Carmacks YT09AH0001 Pont de l'Autoroute Whitehorse-Mayo à environ 0,5 mille au Nord de Carmacks, Territoire du Yukon 62.0956 -136.2717 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09AH0001 Yukon River at Carmacks
Big Creek near mouth YT09AH0017 9.6km by River from mouth, 4.8 air miles WSW of Minto. Water Survey 09AH003 62.5686 -137.0161 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AH0017 Big Creek near mouth
Nordenskiold River below Rowlinson Creek YT09AH0018 0.6km below Rowlinson Creek and 5.9km South Carmacks Bridge on Klondike Highway. Water Survey 09AH004 62.0500 -136.2792 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09AH0018 Nordenskiold River below Rowlinson Creek
Ross River at Ross River YT09BA0001 4km above the mouth, 3.5km ENE of FOOTBridge Crossing. Pelly River near Ross River Townsite at km 231 Canol Road. Water Survey 09BA001 61.9942 -132.3778 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BA0001 Ross River at Ross River
Pelly River below Fortin Creek YT09BA0008 97km east of Ross River and 1.5km downstream from Fortin Creek. mouth, winter section. Water Survey 09BA002 62.0186 -130.6271 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BA0008 Pelly River below Fortin Creek
Ketza River at Robert Campbell Hwy YT09BA0009 120m upstream Robert Campbell Hwy 61.8461 -132.3100 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BA0009 Ketza River at Robert Campbell Hwy
Rivière Hoole près de l'embouchure YT09BA0010 15 m en aval du pont de la route Robert Campbell 61.7486 -131.7083 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BA0010 Hoole River near mouth
South MacMillan River at km 407 Canol Road YT09BB0001 South MacMillan River at km 407 Canol Road, 300m North of Road. Water Survey 09BB001 62.9250 -130.5417 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BB0001 South MacMillan River at km 407 Canol Road
MacMillan River near mouth YT09BB0002 80km S of Mayo, 100km North of Carmacks, 54km E of Pelly Crossing by air, 38km BY River from mouth. Water Survey 09BB002 62.8933 -135.5100 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BB0002 MacMillan River near mouth
Rivière Pelly à Pelly Crossing YT09BC0002 Au pont de l'Autoroute Klondike, 2 km en aval de la crique Mica. Relevés hydrologiques 09BC001 62.8292 -136.5803 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09BC0002 Pelly River at Pelly Crossing
Rivière Pelly à Pelly Crossing YT09BC0002 Au pont de l'Autoroute Klondike, 2 km en aval de la crique Mica. Relevés hydrologiques 09BC001 62.8292 -136.5803 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BC0002 Pelly River at Pelly Crossing
Rivière Pelly en aval de la crique Vangorda YT09BC0008 23 m en aval du pont de la rivière Pelly sur l'Autoroute Robert Campbell, 200 m en aval de la crique Vangorda. Relevés hydrologiques 09BC004 62.2217 -133.3778 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09BC0008 Pelly River below Vangorda Creek
Rivière Pelly en aval de la crique Vangorda YT09BC0008 23 m en aval du pont de la rivière Pelly sur l'Autoroute Robert Campbell, 200 m en aval de la crique Vangorda. Relevés hydrologiques 09BC004 62.2217 -133.3778 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BC0008 Pelly River below Vangorda Creek
Crique sans nom à 3,2 km d Cyprus Anvil Road Crossing YT09BC0012 Crossing Cyprus Anvil Mine Road à 3,2 km du bassin Vangorda. Territoire du Yukon. 62.2542 -133.3178 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BC0012 Unnamed Creek 3.2km Cyprus Anvil Road Crossing
Tay River near the mouth YT09BC0017 8 River km upstream from confluence with Pelly River. 53 air km NNW of Faro. Water Survey 09BC005 62.5781 -134.2383 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09BC0017 Tay River near the mouth
Crique Blind à Faro YT09BC0018 à la première traverse du (nouveau) pont sur l'Autoroute Blind Creek 62.1864 -133.1856 N 1993-05-03 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09BC0018 Blind Creek at Faro
Crique Caribou à Pelly Farm Road YT09BC0019 Tributaire de la rivière Pelly 62.8653 -137.0139 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09BC0019 Caribou Creek at Pelly Farm Road
Crique Grayling à Pelly Farm Road YT09BC0020 Tributaire de la rivière Pelly 62.8569 -136.7528 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09BC0020 Grayling Creek at Pelly Farm Road
Rose Creek above Anvil Creek YT09BC0021 Site is located approximately 14 km upstream of Anvil Creek, 5 km WNW of the Faro Mine tailings ponds and 19 km NW of the town of Faro, YT. 62.3751 -133.5437 Y 2008-03-31 16:18:06 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09BC0021 Rose Creek above Anvil Creek
Donjek River below Kluane River YT09CA0016 39 km below Kluane Creek, 2km below MacKinnon, 37km ENE of Koldern, 25km S of Wellesley Lake. Water Survey 09CA003 62.0806 -139.8597 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CA0016 Donjek River below Kluane River
Nisling River near the mouth YT09CA0017 Yukon Territory 62.4261 -139.4044 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CA0017 Nisling River near the mouth
Duke River near the mouth YT09CA0018 4.6km upstream of Duke River Bridge on Alaska Hwy. 10km upstream of mouth. Water Survey 09CA004 61.3467 -139.1647 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CA0018 Duke River near the mouth
White River at km 1881.6 Alaska Hwy YT09CB0001 216 km NW of Haines Junction at km 1881.6 Alaska Highway, 22km SSE of Dry Creek. Water Survey 09CB001 61.9867 -140.5531 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CB0001 White River at km 1881.6 Alaska Hwy
Snag Creek at km 1945.6 Alaska Highway YT09CB0002 370km NW of Whitehorse, 11.2km N of Beaver Creek at 1945.6 Alaska Highway. Water Survey 09CB002 62.4778 -140.8694 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CB0002 Snag Creek at km 1945.6 Alaska Highway
White River at the mouth YT09CC0001 Yukon Territory 63.0839 -139.4944 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CC0001 White River at the mouth
Fleuve Yukon en amont de la rivière White YT09CD0001 16,5 km en amont de la confluence de la rivière White et du fleuve Yukon. Section pour l'hiver devant Couture Cabin, 2 km en amont de la crique Thistle. Relevés hydrologiques 09CD001 63.0572 -139.5058 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09CD0001 Yukon River above White River
Hess River above Emerald Creek YT09DA0006 18km upstream of Emerald Creek, 160km NNE of Ross River 63.3356 -131.5000 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09DA0006 Hess River above Emerald Creek
Rivière Stewart à la section hiver Mayo YT09DC0002 3,2 km (par l'Autoroute) à l'Est de Mayo, 6,4 km en amont de la confluence des rivières Mayo et Stewart. Section pour l'hiver. Relevés hydrologiques 09DC002 63.5858 -135.8572 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09DC0002 Stewart River at Mayo Winter section
Rivière Mayo au barrage hydroélectrique YT09DC0003 8 km Nord-Ouest de Mayo au niveau du barrage hydro-électrique du Yukon. Prélèvements effectués depuis la passerelle de la centrale 63.6578 -135.9250 N 1993-05-04 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09DC0003 Mayo River at Power Dam
Rivière Stewart à Stewart Crossing YT09DD0001 Pont de l'Autoroute Klondike au niveau de Stewart Crossing, Relevés hydrologiques du Territoire du Yukon 09DD002 63.3817 -136.6828 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT09DD0001 Stewart River at Stewart Crossing
Stewart River 4km above mouth YT09DD0006 4km above mouth, 88km S of Dawson City, 128km W of Stewart Crossing. Water Survey 09DD003 63.3102 -139.3771 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09DD0006 Stewart River 4km above mouth
Rivière South McQuesten en amont de la crique Flat YT09DD0007 United Keno Hill Mine, Elsa, Territoire du Yukon 63.9192 -135.6878 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09DD0007 South McQuesten River above Flat Creek
South McQuesten River below Flat Creek YT09DD0008 Site is located 37 km NNE of Mayo and 12 km W of Elsa. Directions: from Mayo, continue north on the Silver Trail Hwy for 35 km, turn left onto South McQuesten River Road, fork in the road at 0.8 km mark, stay left until Flat Creek Road at 6.5 km mark. Turn right and proceed for 1.4 km, turn left and proceed 0.3 km to station. 63.9141 -135.7231 Y 2005-07-04 18:21:07 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09DD0008 South McQuesten River below Flat Creek
McQuesten River near mouth YT09DD0012 13.6km above mouth, 50km from Stewart Crossing, access Road 1.5km North of McQuesten Bridge, 9km by road from Klondike Hwy. Water Survey 09DD004 63.6111 -137.2694 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09DD0012 McQuesten River near mouth
Haggart Creek above South McQuesten River YT09DD0014 Site is located at KM 28 mile marker on the road, 35 km north of Mayo. Directions: Turn off the Silver Trail Hwy onto South McQuesten River Road and stay on the main road. At 23.6 km will cross the S. McQuesten River bridge. Go past the road to the left at 25.2 km and stay on road until 28 km marker. River is near road at this point. 63.9339 -136.0376 Y 2015-05-21 17:15:54 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09DD0014 Haggart Creek above South McQuesten River
Rivière Klondike en amont de la crique Bonanza YT09EA0001 Au pont de l'Autoroute, 2km au Sud de Dawson sous le pont. Relevés hydrologiques 09EA003 64.0426 -139.4100 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09EA0001 Klondike River above Bonanza Creek, near Dawson
North Klondike River near mouth YT09EA0002 3km from Dempster Hwy on Ditch Road, Ditch Road 6km North of Dempster Corner below Bridge. Water Survey 09EA004 64.0211 -138.5828 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09EA0002 North Klondike River near mouth
Little South Klondike below Ross Creek YT09EA0003 91km by air east of Dawson City, 13km above mouth, 250m below Glacier Creek, .75km downstream of Ross Creek. Water Survey 09EA005 63.9958 -137.5850 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09EA0003 Little South Klondike below Ross Creek
Rivière Indian en amont de l'embouchure YT09EB0005 33 km Sud-Sud-Ouest de Dawson City par aéronef, 10 km en amont de l'embouchure, 1 km en aval de la jauge. Relevés hydrologiques 09EB003 63.7700 -139.6296 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09EB0005 Indian River above the mouth
Rivière Indian en amont de l'embouchure YT09EB0005 33 km Sud-Sud-Ouest de Dawson City par aéronef, 10 km en amont de l'embouchure, 1 km en aval de la jauge. Relevés hydrologiques 09EB003 63.7700 -139.6296 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09EB0005 Indian River above the mouth
Sixty-mile River near mouth YT09EB0006 Yukon Territory 63.5492 -139.7861 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09EB0006 Sixty-mile River near mouth
FortyMile River near the mouth YT09EC0010 71km by air NW of Dawson City, 6km above, 0.5km above Clinton Creek. Water Survey 09EC002 64.3972 -140.6111 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09EC0010 FortyMile River near the mouth
Whitestone River near mouth YT09FA0001 80km by air from Eagle Plains Lodge, 17.7km upstream of mouth, 1.6km above abandoned Whitestone Village. Water Survey 09FA001 66.4272 -138.4028 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FA0001 Whitestone River near mouth
Miner River upstream Fishing Branch Creek YT09FA0002 Yukon Territory 66.3797 -138.6961 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FA0002 Miner River upstream Fishing Branch Creek
Fishing Branch Creek at Fisheries Wier Camp YT09FA0003 Yukon Territory 66.5264 -139.2464 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FA0003 Fishing Branch Creek at Fisheries Wier Camp
Porcupine River below Bell River YT09FB0001 130 km upstream of Old Crow, 26.5km downstream of Bell River. Water Survey 09FB001 67.4403 -137.7836 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FB0001 Porcupine River below Bell River
Rivière Eagle au pont de l'Autoroute Dempster YT09FB0002 km 380 de l'Autoroute Dempster, 675 m en amont du pont (section pour l'hiver). Relevés hydrologiques 09FB002 66.4417 -136.7083 Y 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09FB0002 Eagle River at Dempster Highway, near Eagle Plains
Rivière Porcupine en amont de la rivière Old Crow YT09FB0003 2 km en amont de la rivière Old Crow, Territoire du Yukon. Accès en bateau uniquement - station hydrométrique RHC située en aval de la rivière Old Crow. 67.5797 -139.7819 Y 1992-10-29 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09FB0003 Porcupine River above Old Crow River
Rivière Old Crow près de l'embouchure YT09FC0001 15 km en amont de l'embouchure, 9 km au Nord-Est de l'aéroport Old Crow par aéronef. Relevés hydrologiques 09FC001 67.6344 -139.6964 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FC0001 Old Crow River near mouth
Old Crow River at mouth YT09FC0002 Site is located approximately 250m upstream of the confluence with Porcupine River, 2 km NE from the town of Old Crow, YT. Sampled from right bank. 67.5807 -139.8013 Y 2007-09-13 17:47:17 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT09FC0002 Old Crow River at mouth
Rivière Porcupine à Old Crow YT09FD0001 2 km en aval du peuplement d'Old Crow, près des baraques de la G.R.C., Relevés hydrologiques du Territoire du Yukon 09FD001 67.5639 -139.8831 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FD0001 Porcupine River at Old Crow
Porcupine River near International Boundary YT09FD0002 5km upstream of Old Ramparts House Townsite, at Alaska Yukon Boundary. Water Survey 09FD002 67.4242 -140.8911 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT09FD0002 Porcupine River near International Boundary
Rivière Liard à Upper Crossing YT10AA0001 Sur l'Autoroute de l'Alaska, à Upper Liard Crossing, Territoire du Yukon. Station hydrométrique RHC 10AA001. 60.0507 -128.9043 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT10AA0001 Liard River at Upper Crossing
Tom Creek at km 34.9 Robert Campbell Hwy YT10AA0002 32km NW of Watson Lake, 13km above mouth. Water Survey 10AA002 60.2906 -129.0206 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10AA0002 Tom Creek at km 34.9 Robert Campbell Hwy
Rancheria River near mouth YT10AA0003 48km WNW of Watson Lake, 1km downstream of Little Rancheria River. Water Survey 10AA004 60.2097 -129.5500 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10AA0003 Rancheria River near mouth
Big Creek at km 1084.8 Alaska Hwy YT10AA0004 64km west of Watson Lake, km 1020.8 Alaska Highway. Water Survey 10AA005 60.1583 -129.7028 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10AA0004 Big Creek at km 1084.8 Alaska Hwy
Liard River at Upper Crossing - Westbank YT10AA0005 On Alaska Highway in Upper Liard Crossing, Yukon Territory Water Survey 10AA001. Sampled from westbank below Albert Creek 60.0477 -128.9018 N 2011-12-19 13:04:22 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT10AA0005 Liard River at Upper Crossing - Westbank
Frances River near Watson Lake YT10AB0001 51km NNW of Watson Lake on km55 of Robert Campbell Hwy, 50m upstream of bridge, 23km upstream of mouth. Water Survey 10AB001. 60.4739 -129.1189 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10AB0001 Frances River near Watson Lake
Hyland River at km 108.5 Nahanni Range Road YT10AD0001 164km NNW of Watson Lake, mile 108.5 Nahanni Range Road. Upstream of bridge. Water Survey 10AD002 61.4833 -128.2361 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10AD0001 Hyland River at km 108.5 Nahanni Range Road
Beaver River below Whitefish River YT10BD0001 Appprox. 14.5km by River below confluence of Whitefish River 60.1311 -124.8858 N 1993-02-25 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10BD0001 Beaver River below Whitefish River
La Biche River near border YT10DB0001 La Biche River about 0.5 km N of the BC Yukon border 60.0044 -124.1058 N 1993-02-25 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10DB0001 La Biche River near border
Rivière Peel en amont de la crique Canyon YT10MA0001 259 km au Nord-Est de Dawson City, 62 km au Sud-Sud-Est de Eagle Plains par aéronef. Près de l'embouchure de la crique Canyon. Relevés hydrologiques 10MA001. 65.8944 -136.0389 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MA0001 Peel River above Canyon Creek
Crique Engineer près de l'embouchure YT10MA0008 0,5 km en amont de la confluence avec la rivière Ogilvie. Station #8. Autoroute Dempster. Territoire du Yukon 65.3592 -138.2917 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT10MA0008 Engineer Creek near mouth
Rivière Ogilvie à 2 km à l'Ouest de la crique Engineer YT10MA0010 2 km Ouest de la confluence avec le crique Engineer. Station #10. Autoroute Dempster. Territoire du Yukon. 65.3592 -138.3375 N 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT10MA0010 Ogilvie River 2 km W Engineer Creek
Rivière Ogilvie à 0,5 km en amont de la crique Engineer YT10MA0011 0,5 km en amont de la confluence avec le crique Engineer. Stations #11-12. Autoroute Dempster. Territoire du Yukon. 65.3581 -138.3056 Y 1900-01-01 00:00:00 Long Term Trend Monitoring YT10MA0011 Ogilvie River above Engineer Creek
Wind River near mouth YT10MA0016 Yukon Territory 65.8306 -135.2856 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MA0016 Wind River near mouth
Ogilvie R 2km downstream Dempster Hwy Bridge YT10MA0017 2km downstream of Highway Bridge, Winter Section. Water Survey 10MA002 65.3783 -138.2894 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MA0017 Ogilvie R 2km downstream Dempster Hwy Bridge
Blackstone River near Champion Lake YT10MA0018 120km N of Dempster corner at Champion Lake air strip. Winter section. Water Survey 10MA003. 64.8675 -138.2872 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MA0018 Blackstone River near Champion Lake
Hart River near Hungry Lake YT10MA0019 Yukon Territory 65.7044 -136.4189 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MA0019 Hart River near Hungry Lake
Snake River near mouth YT10MB0001 278km NNE of Mayo, 9.7km upstream of mouth, Water Survey 10MB003 65.9694 -134.0278 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MB0001 Snake River near mouth
Rivière Bonnet Plume en amont de Gillespie YT10MB0002 166 km Nord-Est de Mayo, section hivernale à 1,5 km en amont de la crique Gillespie. Relevés hydrologiques 10MB004 64.7394 -133.6725 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Arctic Environmental Strategy YT10MB0002 Bonnet Plume River above Gillespie
Rivière Bonnet Plume en amont de Gillespie YT10MB0002 166 km Nord-Est de Mayo, section hivernale à 1,5 km en amont de la crique Gillespie. Relevés hydrologiques 10MB004 64.7394 -133.6725 N 1992-02-01 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MB0002 Bonnet Plume River above Gillespie
Rivière Bonnet Plume près du lac Margaret YT10MB0005 En amont de la crique Knott 65.3239 -134.5206 N 1993-03-16 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MB0005 Bonnet Plume River near Margaret Lake
Rivière Bonnet Plume en amont de l'embouchure YT10MB0006 Territoire du Yukon 65.4250 -134.8306 N 1995-02-09 00:00:00 Yukon Baseflow Study YT10MB0006 Bonnet Plume above mouth